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Product Name: Paclobutrazol 15% WP

1. Basic Information of paclobutrazol

Product name




Chemical name

(2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol; Bonzi; (2RS,3RS)-1(4-chlorophenyl)-4,4-dimethyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)pentan-3-ol; (2RS,3RS)-1-(4-chloro phenyl)-4,4-methyl-2-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-E-3-ol.


Plant growth regulator/ Agrochemical


95% TC , 30% / 25% /15% WP, 25% SC

Physical and chemical properties

1.The pure product is a white crystalline solid; relative density is 1.22; the melting point was 165 ~ 166 °C; vapor pressure (20 °C) is 1 × l0-6Pa, 20 °C for 0.1Pa, (30 °C) is 8 × 10-6Pa. 20 °C

2. Solubility: acetone 110g/L, 150g/L of methanol, hexane dichloromethane 100g/L, 10g/L, 180g/L xylene cyclohexanone, 60g/L, water 35mg/L. The distribution coefficient (octanol / water) 1590.

3. The pure product at 50 °C stable within 6 months. On the UV stable. Stable water solution of more than 30d at room temperature.


 Paclobutrazol is a kind of low toxicity plant growth regulator.

2. Specifications:

Item Standard
 Content   15% min.
    Calcium Carbonate 76% max.
     White Carbon Black   4% max
Dispersant 4% max.
 Moisture  1% max
Solute Time 90 max 
PH   6.0-10.0
 Particle Size (Through 44 mesh) m/m  98min









3. Mode of Actions:

Mode of actions
1). Inhibits the stem growth and breaks the apical dominance(can inhibit the generation of Gibberellic acid);
2).  Inhibits the internodal elongation, resists to lodging;
3). Improves the abilities of stress tolerance
4). Promotes the lateral bud growth
5). Enhances or inhibits the photosynthesis, depends on the concentration
6). Improves the respiration intensity of root, slows down the respiration of aboveground parts of crops.

4. Applications of paclobutrazol 15% WP

Crops Processing period Concentration Effects
Rice Before the period of one-leaf seeding bed 300mg/L
Plant elongation are slowed, the length of stems are controled and tillers are promoted, resist lodging, the yield of rice is improved.
Coleseed During the period of three-leaf 100-200mg/L Inhibit elongation of stems and make them strong; promote the synthesis of chlorophyll , photosynthetic rate ; sclerotinia resistance enhanced; pod yieldincreased.
Soybean During flowering period 100-200mg/L Increase pod yield.
Baley 2-leaf seeding bed period 200mg/L Increased tillering, increase the panicle number, increase production.
Fruits ( ex: apple, pear, peach) Sprouting perod in spring 500mg/L Control the vegetative growth, promote fruit set, increase the fruit quantity.

5. Matters need attention


1). Strict control of the dosage. Althogh the higher the concentration of paclobutrazol is, the length contorl effect stronger , but the amount of growth will also be declined.

2). The effect of control length and keep tillers will be declined with the increase of seeding rate. The seeding rate of hybrid late rice should not exceed 30kg/acre.

3). After application, flood irrigation and excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer should be avoid.

4). Nitrogen fertilizers or gibberellic acid could be applied in the case of excessive inhibitation of seeding which was casued by high concentration.

5). Paclobutrizol have different effects on different kinds of rice and barley. When being applied, the dosage should be flexible increase and decrease appropriately.

6). After harvest, the plots must be plowed, to prevent inhibitation to the after crops.

6. Pesticide poisoning first aid measures

1). Skin contact: remove contaminated clothing , rinse with plenty of water .
2). Eye contact: Rinse with water or saline. Medical treatment.
3). Breathing: From the scene to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Medical treatment.
4). Accidental swallow: Gastric lavage with 1% potassium ferrocyanide or sodium thiosulfate gastric lavage. To drink the milk or egg white. Medical treatment.

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